Ewa Olszewska-Borys ( Poland, Pologne, Polen )

Information about the artist

The shape of space - an essay with many images of the artist's work
The shape of space- an exhibition of medals and coins by EWA OLSZEWSKA-BORYS on the fortieth anniversary of the beginning of her artistic work

An interview of the artist in the Polish magazine V.I.P. ( No. 10 ) in October 2002
Astronomical and Copernican Subjects in Ewa Olszewska-Bory's Oeuvre
-Astronomische und Kopernikanische Thematik im künstlerischen Schaffen von Ewa Olszewska-Bory)

Creating art medals from 1965 until today
1965- 19701971- 19751976- 19801981- 19851986- 19901991- 19951996- 20002001- 2005


The gallery
